News and Opinion blog about the interaction of Spanish and English in the modern day world. A commentary on the unique political "status" of a distinct nation forged out of two empires, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
More gun control! More gun control! More F***ING gun control! Screw the NRA and the 2nd Amendment! When the state of Colorado directly puts an unlimited amount of unregisted assault rifles in the hands of a psychopath and calls him a patriot for it, it's clear how dilluded we've become. Guns kill people, duh.
And they have been for sometime, because while many other immigrating Latinos must deal with the naturalization bureaucracy, everyone born in Puerto Rico has been a citizen of the United States since March 2nd, 1917 with the passage of the Jones-Shafroth Act. It seems strange because from what I can tell, citizenship was just tossed onto Puerto Rico. Could you imagine today the government just giving anyone something so coveted as American citizenship? (Oh wait, right, theDREAM Act, Obama's America!) Come to think of it, the States was very much fond of handing out citizenship to just anyone who got off a boat in New York back in the day. Oh well, so there you have it, Puerto Ricans are all American citizens for whatever reason (possibly because the US Army needed freshly drafted meat for World War I).
Here is a delightful video from the YouTubiverse. While its related to PR's political policy, I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with any of the issues I've brought up or will bring up (I think its just meant as a trivia question), but it's at the very least evidence of the average person's lack of familiarity with Puerto Rico's political status. Enjoy.
Hey American Conservatives! Before you go poo pooing on Puerto Rican Statehood for whatever dumb reason you have, listen to the words of your dark master, former President Ronald Wilson Reagan.
While I'm not the biggest fan of "The Gipper", his declaration of support for self-determination (although clearly Statehood-themed self-determination) is the type of response us folk in Puerto Rico like to hear from our Presidents; support, but not too much support. For the record, Reagan's endorsement does not make me want Statehood any more, in fact, I want it a little less now...
My name is Julian
and I have a unique upbringing. At one point I was your average
Suburban-American school kid which you can observe on any teen-drama
program (although greatly over-exaggerated). Then when I was 14, a
series of weird/miraculous events took place that uprooted me from
the hills of Pennsylvania and replanted me on the western shores of
Puerto Rico.
For those who
don't know about PR's unique political situation, I'm going to give
as brief an explanation as I can manage and we'll definitely come
back to this later. Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean next to
the Dominican Republic, it's actually closer to the mainland than
Hawaii. Puerto Rico is part of the United States, but it has been
self-governing for half-a-century, however, it is ultimately under
the authority of the US Government. A recurrent political theme on
the island is redefining the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico into
something more concrete, usually either a full state or an
independent nation. This debate is known as "Status" or "el Estatus", and has been an integral, but controversial driving
force in local politics.
I've lived in this
"limbo nation" for most of my life, though I've traveled a
lot around the world as well I always seem to float back to Puerto
Rico. Though there's plenty to complain about here, I truly love this
weird island, because that's how you know you care about your
community, when you'll take the time out of your day to make fun of
it. Living here, I feel, has also given me a unique perspective on
the various subtle cultural clogs that appear between American and
Latin culture.
While, I am not
trying to suggest that I'm some sort of expert on either Americans or
Latinos, I pay attention to people, I like paying attention to
people, and honestly, there's nothing that special that makes the two
any that different, and certainly not better. When you live in a
country with a clearly different cultural history, you start to see
that at it's core, people want and need the same exact things; food,
shelter, a job, a family, friends, a pass-time, something to be proud
about, and to be left alone by the people they don't like.
No degree or title
could qualify me to speak on this as much as learning that right
So, with that in
mind, I started this blog as a sort of observational guide to
understanding. The timing of this is no coincidence, all across
America we are seeing a growing cultural conflict between American
and Latin culture, it's skirmishes are fought on multiple fronts from
illegal immigration, civil liberties, prison reform, freedom of
speech, etc.
One of those
topics that I feel most qualified to speak on is the one that seems
to confound people the most; English vs. Spanish, a perceived
cultural gap between us that boils down to the very words we use to
communicate. My experience in this has spanned my entire life, as
truly learning all the subtle nuances and hidden meanings of a
language takes a lifetime. People don't seem to get that. Anyone who
thinks learning a new language is easy (or instant) is either gifted
or a moron, most likely a moron, who's never even considered it
wanted to start this blog in response to some recent events that have
taken place. Recently, the Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño
finally able to get some movement on some legislature that he and the
pro-statehood New Progessive Party (PNP) have been trying to move
forward for years. The bill would allow for a Congressional supported
referendum on status. They did this with the help of the Obama
Before this, I
must say, America's knowledge about Puerto Rico was staggeringly low,
I mean it's just pathetic. Friends of mine are constantly being asked
"What part of Mexico is that?". You're not alone America,
because strange as it may seem, PR's knowledge on the states is
incredibly limited as well. I meet people all the time who don't know
who the President is, someone I know once called him "Osama". Not kidding.
what followed made me trully pissed off. The Republican hatchet-men
got a hold of this info and started ranting about how this was a
Democrat ploy to add D-seats to Congress, that this "just came
out of nowhere", that Fortuño
a "real" Republican, etc. Someone who's particularly to
blame is Glen Beck, and while I do not watch his show or read his
books, I know him by reputation as biased and inflammatory. After
that, it was only a mater of seconds before every conservative
blogger on the web cloned this insane conspiracy theory and
began repeating the sentiments verbatim, sometimes they even tacked
on even dumber opinions, and shared them, so soon the entire internet
was filled with dumb ideas (even more than usual).
I spent several
weeks on the internet in countless flame wars with theses losers, and
I WON EVERY ONE! How? Simply because I knew what I was talking about,
and I could actually prove the things I was saying.
The thing that
truly pissed me off was that Glen Beck didn't lie about any of the
statistics and facts he used, he misinformed. He took a philosophical
debate that has been raging, sometimes violently, in PR for over 100
years, and he just casually picked the facts that supported his
argument. I don't know if he did this on purpose to pad his argument,
or if he just didn't really think about it, but I'm offended either
And just the
complete ignorance of political bloggers, some actually expressed
"pity" for Puerto Rico because Obama was using them. Right
after that they would shove a petition in your face asking you to
shoot down the referendum bill in congress. HEY D-BAGS! PR cannot
move forward politically unless Congress allows us to, that's the
reality, preventing a vote in Congress means you are denying us our
freedom, and doing that purely for political reasons makes you a
Do you idiots
actually think the rest of the world only exists as part of some
liberal conspiracy? That other countries just stop existing while
America isn't looking?
Where do people
get off distorting the facts about my home to further your interest?
Where do people get off using our rights as American citizens as
sacrifices to their party line? It just makes me kind of pissed off
because I've spent 12 years in PR trying to figure out what's going
on, but these guys apparently figure it out in a day, and even
though they're wrong, they're still patting each other on the back
and saying how they're such good Americans, defending freedom in the
F**k that.
This is a blog to
clear up the misconceptions about Puerto Rico for Americans, but also
misconceptions about America for Puerto Ricans, cause you guys have
it wrong CONSTANTLY. The fact is, we've been very closely involved
with each other for over a century, both sides effected and changed
by each others influence. The time for ignorance is done, and it
should have been a long time ago.